
Triathlon as a sport is becoming more and more popular. From a few hardened enthusiasts, it's now something that many ordinary people know about. People now see the event as something a bit more interesting, and challenging, than a marathon (the day when someone completes a triathlon in a suit of armour are thankfully a long way off). The popularity is also helped by having various distances, from introductory sprints, through the standard Olympic distance, right up to the ultimate Ironman event.

The media have started to notice the event, and in the last week I've seen it referred to prominently in two US series.

So I've started this blog as a way to catalog where you can see triathlon mentioned in TV, movies, novels or other non-factual media.

Please email me if you see something I've missed, I'd like to try and make this an exhaustive database of all mentions of triathlon in the popular media.

[News articles reporting on real triathlons in papers/magazines/TV aren't going to get included - that would really be far too much work, and not really that interesting. We already have publications that cover most of that).


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